Sunday, February 26, 2023

Fibroids Miracle - How I Proved My Doctors Wrong and Shrunk Fibroids?

Thousands of women of every age have completely cured their Uterine Fibroids condition and gained complete freedom from fibroids-related symptoms naturally, without drugs, risky surgery, or "magic potions," simply by using the clinically proven, scientifically-accurate step by step method found inside this amazing Uterine Fibroids freedom guidebook.

Amanda Leto, a certified nutritionist, health consultant, and the author has not just pumped out yet another "anti-Uterine Fibroids program" into an already over-saturated market. 

Amanda's Fibroids Miracle can be more accurately described as a "Fibroids Bible." It is quite simply one of the most comprehensive, complete, and precise guides to Uterine Fibroids' freedom you will ever read. What makes it so much different than other Uterine Fibroids publications on the market?

Well, first of all, it's not just a "Uterine Fibroids relief" program, it's a Uterine Fibroids cure program. This may seem like semantics or wordplay at first, but once you've read just the first chapters, there will be no doubt in your mind that pursuing "Uterine Fibroids relief" is not only the wrong goal, it may be the reason that you've failed to stop and maintain your 'Uterine Fibroids free internal environment'. 

Fibroids Miracle shows you exactly why you should fix the internal problem that's causing your Uterine Fibroids, not just masking the symptoms or getting relief, and then goes on to show you exactly how to do it.

Secondly, what makes Fibroids Miracle different is the amount of attention that is paid to each and every element required to achieve permanent freedom from Uterine Fibroids. Fibroids Miracle not only thoroughly discusses the lies, myths, and fallacies surrounding a very confusing subject, it is simply the most detailed book about Uterine Fibroids and holistic health that has ever been written.

The Fibroids Miracle book is quite extensive (250 pages of rock-solid content) and focuses on 100% natural Uterine Fibroids treatment. That means there aren't recommendations for harsh prescription drugs with nasty side effects. 

In the Uterine Fibroids Miracle core formula section (The 3-step system) - Nothing is held back. In this section, Amanda gives a detailed overview of each step and then dives into the specifics in perfect chronological order. There are also outstanding charts and checklists which make it very easy to know where you are at in the program and follow it.

Because the Fibroids Miracle program is not a quick fix ‘fairy tale’ cure but a complete holistic solution aimed at eliminating the root cause of Uterine Fibroids (regardless of their severity) and ensuring you will permanently be fibroid-free, it does take work and persistence to complete. "The dictionary is the only place success comes before work," says Amanda, as she emphasizes the "no quick fix" philosophy behind the entire book.

If there is any drawback to the Fibroids Miracle ebook, it's that it contains so much information, that some readers may find it a bit overwhelming. Those who are looking for a quick start type of Uterine Fibroids program might be a bit intimated at first. The good part, however, is that even these types of readers can feel confident and assured that it will be worth the effort because this will literally be the last book they ever have to buy on the subject.

Who will benefit most from Fibroids Miracle?

In the broadest sense, anyone and everyone who needs to cure their Uterine Fibroids and regain their natural inner balance will benefit from Fibroids Miracle. This ebook is honestly for everyone. Even women without Uterine Fibroids. 

This is a total health rejuvenation program better than 98% of the nutrition and alternative health books on the market. In fact, the advice in this ebook is guaranteed to help you with any other health condition you might have, especially if you suffer from hormonal disorders, digestive problems, insulin-related disorders, allergies, and acne.

In terms of graphic design, Fibroids Miracle is a clean and professionally formatted PDF e-book. It is well-organized and ideal for printing and reading in the comfort of your own home.

This impressive and unique publication has changed many lives and the hundreds of inspiring testimonials and success stories are found on the Fibroids Miracle website archives as proof.

The Bottom line?

Anyone looking for a quick fix solution to Uterine Fibroids, anyone looking to be told fairy tales, and anyone looking for a "magic bullet", pills, the counters, 'Uterine Fibroids freedom in 2 days' hyped up programs should not waste his or her time with Fibroids Miracle.

On the other hand, anyone searching for the truth about Uterine Fibroids and alternative health and who is ready and willing to put in some work and make the lifestyle changes necessary to achieve Uterine Fibroids freedom will find Fibroids Miracle to be one of the best investments they ever made in their lives. 

Click here to learn more about Amanda Leto's Fibroids Miracle

How to Get Rid of an Intramural Fibroid?

An intramural fibroid is one that grows in the middle of the uterine wall. Intramural fibroids can cause the uterus to appear larger than it actually is, and make the woman look pregnant, or have a pot belly that cannot go away with dieting or exercise.

Typical symptoms include excessive menstrual bleeding, menstrual clots, painful periods, feeling bulky, constant pelvic pain or pressure, and bladders and colon problems, such as frequent urination, trouble urinating, or constipation, which are caused by the fibroid pressing on nearby organs.

When fibroids are very big, they can even block the supply of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to other organs, such as the kidneys, and in some cases, large intramural fibroids can cause permanent damage to the kidney.

Intramural fibroids can have a negative effect on fertility, and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York reported that women with these types of fibroids experienced 11% fewer pregnancies than women with submucosal fibroids, and 58% more miscarriages. They also reported an increased risk of cesarean and preterm delivery.

A study carried out at the University of Valencia in Spain concluded that intramural fibroids did not affect the pregnancy rates of women going through IVF. But Baskent University in Turkey found that IVF drugs for stimulating ovulation actually increased the size of intramural fibroids.

The most common treatment option for intramural fibroids is abdominal myomectomy. It is particularly recommended when the fibroids are larger than 5 or 7 centimeters, or when multiple fibroids need to be removed.

An abdominal myomectomy is a procedure where the fibroids are surgically removed through an incision in the abdomen. The surgeon would pull the uterus through the incision and the fibroid is cut out. The uterus is then repaired with sutures then put back into place. 

As with all surgeries, it carries the risk of bleeding and infection, but something to be aware of is adhesions and scar tissue. Some women have found that their scar tissue adheres to the organs, and can lead to further problems such as blocked fallopian tubes.

Another option is Uterine Artery Embolization, a surgical procedure to block the blood vessels that supply the fibroids so that they become starved of blood, oxygen, and nutrients and the tissue dies.

Leeds Teaching Hospital carried out a study on 10 women with intramural fibroids 11 centimeters or larger. Each of them had a Uterine Artery Embolization, and the doctors followed up on their progress after 12 and 36 months. 

They found that most of the women's symptoms had subsided, but two of them were still feeling bulky, and two required additional surgery due to damage to their kidneys. After 7 months, one of the patients needed a hysterectomy. 

Although the doctors concluded that Uterine Artery Embolization was a safe procedure, if you look at the statistics, 20% of the women who went through the surgery needed additional surgery. I also found other statistics to show that 30% of women who have this surgery experience the return of their symptoms within five years.

Another complication with Uterine Artery Embolization is heavy vaginal bleeding. McGill University in Canada studied two women who were experiencing abnormal bleeding after going through the procedure for their intramural fibroids. 

The surgeons performed an endometrial biopsy and found that both women had necrotic fibroids (this is when the tissue died, due to a lack of blood supply).

Shortly after the biopsy, both women developed a septic uterus and required a hysterectomy. In their report, the doctors concluded that Uterine Artery Embolization - especially when performed on intramural fibroids located close to the uterine lining, carried a high risk of infection. This makes sense, as dead tissue can attract a lot of bacteria.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

This Super-Simple 3-Step Protocol Eliminated My Uterine Fibroids In Just 21 Days  

If you’re trying to cure your PCOS or battling any type of uterine fibroids, you MUST check this out.

Medical researcher, alternative health and nutrition specialist, health consultant, and Former Uterine Fibroids Sufferer teaches you how to:

  • Eliminate Your Uterine Fibroids Naturally In As Little As 21 Days and Prevent Their Recurrence
  • Tackle Pelvic Pressure and Pain, Bloating, and Discomfort in Less Than 12 Hours
  • Boost Your Fertility and Gain Regular Periods (No More Spotting or Unexpected periods)
  • Stop Bladder Pressure
  • Treat Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia) or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)
  • Treat Pain During Intercourse (Dyspareunia).
  • Improve the Quality of Your Life Dramatically!

Discover how she overcame her own Uterine Fibroids and taught thousands of women worldwide to treat all their Uterine Fibroids and all related issues quickly, safely, and naturally.

  • Even If You Have Very Large Uterine Fibroids
  • Even If You Have Endometriosis
  • Even If You Are Menopausal
  • Without Resorting To Drugs or Surgical Procedures
  • Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Here is a short video that explains it better than I can.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Fibroid Help - Questions to Ask Your Physician

Fibroid tumors, also called uterine myomas, while most often non-cancerous, can produce a range of symptoms from little or no symptoms to severe discomfort, pelvic pressure, excessive bleeding, and bouts of anemia. 

If you suspect you have fibroids or have recently been diagnosed, consider discussing the following questions with your physician to get a better understanding of your situation, expectations, and preventative measure to ensure a return to health.

1. How many fibroid(s) do I have and where are they located?

This question is important to help you determine the types of fibroids (subserosal-outer uterine wall, the submucosal-under lining of the uterine wall, or intramural-within the uterine wall) and how they will grow. Intramural tumors are the most common and grow and expand within the uterine wall creating an appearance of a "pouch" stomach.

2. What size is my fibroid(s) and how big is my uterus?

To maintain consistency in diagnosing fibroid size and uterine size, physicians compare an enlarged uterus to that of a pregnant uterus. If you have large fibroids (6cm or larger) or many fibroids your doctor may say you have a uterus the size of a 12-week pregnancy. You could expect more/larger fibroids to be greater than 12 weeks. 

The largest reported fibroid was the size of a small grapefruit. Fibroids themselves are measured in cm and during a pelvic ultrasound size and location are noted so follow-up appointments can determine any changes.

3. What are my options for managing my fibroids?

If you are diagnosed with fibroids but have no physical symptoms, it is possible your doctor may recommend a wait-and-see or "watching" approach. Symptoms that drastically affect lifestyle, and emotional well-being or are detrimental to one's overall health (such as anemia) may require other approaches. For a list of other questions regarding procedures, your physician might recommend clicking here.

4. What is the most conservative approach to treating my fibroid(s)?

Rarely do fibroids present an immediate, life-threatening situation. Take the time to do research while enlisting the most conservative approach recommended by your physician. Don't be afraid to get a second or third opinion. 

It is important that your reasons and methods of healing are in alignment with the physician treating you. Seek out natural solutions and solicit advice from those that have gone through a similar experience.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Holistic Treatment Options For Uterine Fibroid Treatment

For women not prepared to go under the knife for their treatment for uterine fibroids there are a number of holistic fibroid treatment options. When you suffer from fibroids do not take any decision in haste. Carefully understand the various options available to you before deciding your method of fibroid cure.

Some of the holistic treatment methods for getting rid of fibroids include:

1. Body detoxification with special emphasis on liver cleansing since the liver is the main organ in our body responsible for metabolizing estrogen.

2. Dietary changes to exclude foods that tend to boost the growth of fibroid tumors. Consuming organically grown food and a diet free of sugar and refined flour is normally recommended as part of a natural fibroid cure plan.

3. Moderate form of physical exercise is necessary to ensure proper blood circulation in the body and improve the body's ability to heal.

4. Acupuncture is another popular aspect of herbal treatment for uterine fibroids.

5. Herbs like milk thistle and chaste berry tincture are very useful in uterine fibroid treatment. Whilst the former ensures proper functioning of the liver the latter actually helps to shrink the size of existing fibroid tumors.

6. Warm castor oil packs are very effective to relieve the pain caused by fibroids. Alternatively, you can make use of ginger compresses by soaking a towel in hot ginger water to relieve fibroid pain and help shrink fibroid tumors.

It is best to undergo natural uterine fibroid treatment under the guidance and supervision of a qualified naturopath. However, if you actually start looking out for specialists in natural cures, you may not find many. The second best alternative is to seek online help.

Personally, for my uterine fibroid treatment, I was able to find one such specialist in alternative medicine online, thanks to the internet. This alternative medicine practitioner has for the benefit of women worldwide compiled a comprehensive seven-step guide for fibroid cure which is available in downloadable form. 

This systematic plan has helped thousands of women the world over in their treatment of uterine fibroids.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Do you want to get rid of Uterine Fibroids permanently? There is a proven fibroids treatment that will produce results in the next few weeks. 

This may seem impossible, but is 100% true. If you are serious about getting rid of this problem, discover the excellent insider secrets by clicking - Uterine Finroid Treatment

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Cure Uterine Fibroids by Reducing Estrogen and Balancing the Hormones

Many women of childbearing age suffer from fibroids and fibrocystic breast disease. For many, the condition will prohibit planning a pregnancy.

Many post-menopausal women are taking estrogen replacement drugs that help control hot flashes and mood. However there are so many research studies implicating estrogen replacement with an increased risk of cancer, it hardly seems worth it to use this treatment to control hot flashes.

Many post-menopausal women are surprised to learn that despite their wise refusal of estrogen replacement, they too are estrogen dominant, and this excess estrogen is fueling the growth of fibroids and fibroid cysts in the uterus and breasts.

So what do you do? If you are on oral contraception or any type of hormone contraception (i.e, DeproProvera, etc.), discontinue it and use an alternative that is hormone free. If you are currently on estrogen replacement, tell your doctor that you want to discontinue it. (Later you can explore bio-identical hormone replacement with a qualified practitioner.)

Avoid drugs that contain hormones such as cortisone and prednisone. Avoid hydrocortisone cream.

Avoid estrogen-rich foods such as soy products (tofu, soy yogurt, soy milk, etc.), flax seeds and flax oil, canola oil (from the rapeseed) as well as all seeds, pods, and beans. Think of every seed, pod, and bean as a mini uterus ready to reproduce and consequently high in estrogen. 

Yes, many of these foods are famous for their nutritional value. However, for the individual with fibroids, these foods will fuel the growth of the tumors. Soy in particular is everywhere in processed food products.

Avoid the so-called "women's herbs or herbal formulas" as these contain herbs known to be high in phytoestrogens. This can be the ultimate irony as many natural approaches to treating fibroids recommend herbs that will in the short term have a positive effect but in the long term fuel the growth of fibroids due to their high content of estrogens.

Avoid herbicides and pesticides. These chemicals are known as xenoestrogens since they mimic the activity of natural estrogen. Stay away from golf courses, commercial farms, pest control sprays, fuel, and solvent fumes. 

Always soak fruits and vegetables in a sink of water and a tablespoon of 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide or a mixture of one-half vinegar and water for 20 minutes, followed by a thorough rinse. Seek my article on identifying estrogenic foods and herbs.

Metabolizing excessive estrogen is possible with a specific herbal formula developed by an oncologist with training in Chinese medicine (check below) and the use of pure progesterone cream. 

Progesterone supplementation via a transdermal cream is an easy and powerful way to recover from the estrogen-dominant condition that causes the growth of uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breasts, and endometriosis. Progesterone quite simply puts excessive estrogen into balance. However, many formulas contain ingredients that are estrogenic in a misguided attempt to improve on pure progesterone. Read labels!

Estrogen is stored in body fat. Body fat is most often the result of a lower metabolism due to a sluggish and toxic liver. Excessive estrogens are contributing factors to weight gain. When the liver fails to eliminate estrogens efficiently, the excessive estrogens stimulate fat cell production from the lower abdominal area to the knees where estrogens are more concentrated.

Estrogens also bind to sodium which retains water and leads to weight gain. Chinese bitters can be helpful in detoxifying the liver and increasing the flow of bile. 

However, the fast track to a more functional liver can be realized by engaging in a series of liver-gallbladder flushes to remove the cholesterol pellets that clog the bilary ducts of the liver and impede the flow of bile. The easiest and most effective L-G flush uses an ozonated olive oil product, Olive Gold 03.

The best natural treatments for uterine fibroid tumors address the cause and the symptoms of the problem. Fibroid tumors develop due to excessive estrogen. The fibroid tumor is the symptom and product of the cause. 

Since fibroids are composed of fibrin, the same material as scar tissue, taking a professional strength systemic enzyme formula will dissolve the fibroid and remove this tissue altogether over time. When combined with the hormone-balancing strategy this protocol offers the best natural approach to defeating uterine fibroids once and for all.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

This Super-Simple 3-Step Protocol Eliminated My Uterine Fibroids In Just 21 Days  

If you’re trying to cure your PCOS or battling any type of uterine fibroids, you MUST check this out.

Medical researcher, alternative health and nutrition specialist, health consultant, and Former Uterine Fibroids Sufferer teaches you how to:

  • Eliminate Your Uterine Fibroids Naturally In As Little As 21 Days and Prevent Their Recurrence
  • Tackle Pelvic Pressure and Pain, Bloating, and Discomfort in Less Than 12 Hours
  • Boost Your Fertility and Gain Regular Periods (No More Spotting or Unexpected periods)
  • Stop Bladder Pressure
  • Treat Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia) or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)
  • Treat Pain During Intercourse (Dyspareunia).
  • Improve the Quality of Your Life Dramatically!

Discover how she overcame her own Uterine Fibroids and taught thousands of women worldwide to treat all their Uterine Fibroids and all related issues quickly, safely, and naturally.

  • Even If You Have Very Large Uterine Fibroids
  • Even If You Have Endometriosis
  • Even If You Are Menopausal
  • Without Resorting To Drugs or Surgical Procedures
  • Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Here is a short video that explains it better than I can. 

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Shrink Your Uterine Fibroids Size From Home, Naturally!

These usually benign tumors strike most women during the course of their lifetimes... and most won't even know they have symptoms. But for some, these tissues growing on the walls of the uterus can cause everything from feelings of fullness and heaviness in the lower abdomen to heavy and frequent bleeding. Pain during sex can also be a symptom, as is frequent urination and sometimes lower back ache.

But when it comes to fibroids and fertility, complications that arise from having these excess growths on your uterine wall can contribute to problems during both pregnancy and labor. The risks of having a cesarean section during the birthing process are more than quadrupled, and in rare cases having fibroids while pregnant can cause more extreme reproductive and fertility issues.

In the past, uterine fibroid treatments included ways to mask the symptoms, resulting in some levels of increased comfort. However, newly discovered natural methods and techniques have been proven to actually shrink uterine fibroids' size. Since all they really consist of are swollen tissues, there are ways this swelling can be reduced. 

In many cases, these methods have shrunk female fibroids down to almost undetectable sizes, alleviating all traces of symptoms. When kept up with, these techniques can keep these tumors at smaller, manageable sizes for months and years to come.

Stop Fibroids is an incredibly helpful guide that details all the tips, tricks, and solutions you'll need to help yourself along the road to recovery. Thousands of women using these methods have reported lighter periods, less bleeding, and reduced swelling associated with their female fibroids. 

The constant pain associated with these tumors pressing up against surrounding organs, bladder, and kidneys has been reduced in most cases, by following just some of these simple techniques:

  • Avoid a high-fat diet. Uterine fibroids size has been proven to be directly related to the number of fatty foods eaten and stored by the body.
  • Limit alcohol consumption. The swelling associated with imbibing alcohol on a regular basis can contribute to increased pain and pressure. And since alcohol thins the blood, avoiding it as much as possible will help reduce bleeding as well.
  • Take a vitamin B supplement. Women with larger and more prominent fibroids have been shown to have deficiencies in this area of their dietary intake.
  • Utilize herbs for fibroids. Regular use of certain herbs like motherwort has been proven to strengthen the tissues surrounding the uterine wall, as well as slow bleeding. In fact, there's a whole list of good herbal remedies for women suffering from these tumors. But keep in mind there's also a list of herbs that should be avoided as well.

The list above is only one small portion of the methodology discussed in the Stop Fibroids guide. Within this resource, you'll also learn some easy lifestyle changes you can make that have been shown to restore normal bodily cycles - immediately shrinking fibroid tissues. 

For women suffering from heavy bleeding and cramping, instructions for naturally slowing and halting the flow on these heavy days are provided. There is a list of foods also provided that have been proven to shrink fibroids' size, as well as a counter-list of bad foods that should be avoided at all costs. 

And for women worried about uterine fibroids during pregnancy, there are tips for getting pregnant with existing tumors, even if they are of medium or larger sizes.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

This Super-Simple 3-Step Protocol Eliminated My Uterine Fibroids In Just 21 Days  

If you’re trying to cure your PCOS or battling any type of uterine fibroids, you MUST check this out.

Medical researcher, alternative health and nutrition specialist, health consultant, and Former Uterine Fibroids Sufferer teaches you how to:

  • Eliminate Your Uterine Fibroids Naturally In As Little As 21 Days and Prevent Their Recurrence
  • Tackle Pelvic Pressure and Pain, Bloating, and Discomfort in Less Than 12 Hours
  • Boost Your Fertility and Gain Regular Periods (No More Spotting or Unexpected periods)
  • Stop Bladder Pressure
  • Treat Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia) or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)
  • Treat Pain During Intercourse (Dyspareunia).
  • Improve the Quality of Your Life Dramatically!

Discover how she overcame her own Uterine Fibroids and taught thousands of women worldwide to treat all their Uterine Fibroids and all related issues quickly, safely, and naturally.

  • Even If You Have Very Large Uterine Fibroids
  • Even If You Have Endometriosis
  • Even If You Are Menopausal
  • Without Resorting To Drugs or Surgical Procedures
  • Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Here is a short video that explains it better than I can.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Simple Diet Changes For Uterine Fibroid Treatment and Permanent Fibroid Cure

Fibroids are basically nonmalignant tumors that grow around or inside the uterus. They are formed either naturally or nutritionally attained. The nutritionally attained ones are a result of estrogen dominance in the body. 

An imbalance of hormones progesterone and estrogen causes the occurrence of natural fibroids. Any uterine fibroid treatment must therefore focus on addressing the hormonal imbalance and estrogen dominance issues.

You must be well prepared to deal with fibroids. Start by educating yourself about fibroids by scouting the net or interacting with other women with fibroids. You can participate in a number of online forums too, to keep yourself updated about the latest options available for treatment for uterine fibroids. 

These forums will guide you on simple aspects of fibroid cure like changes you need to make in the way you eat, what to eat, and what to avoid to get rid of fibroids.

The food we eat affects our heart, body weight, cholesterol, and fibroids too. Natural fibroid treatment makes use of a variety of strategies based on diet, exercise, herbal medicines, and alternative cures to shrink fibroids in the uterus naturally.

I started my fibroid cure by completely cutting off white food from my intake. I replaced it instead with brown foods. It meant staying away from white bread, white sugar, white potatoes, and milk. Instead, I started having brown or granary bread, sweet potatoes, goat's milk, or organic milk. I excluded red meat and chicken from my diet. You can include organic chicken and fish instead.

While undergoing treatment for uterine fibroids avoid fizzy drinks, sugared juices, and alcohol. Replace these with fresh fruit and vegetable juices. Use organically grown fruits and vegetables as far as possible.

There are certain categories of food that actually prevent or block estrogen from being produced in our bodies. Cabbage is an estrogen blocker that can be included in your salad every day. Alternatively have cooked cabbage.

Taking vitamin B supplements which contain magnesium, calcium, and potassium is said to be useful for fibroid cure. Vitamins A, C, and E are also useful and can be found in foods such as liver, kidney, citrus fruits, leafy vegetables, wheat germ, nuts, and seeds.

These simple diet changes are absolutely essential to make a success of your uterine fibroid treatment plan. In fact, all your efforts in treatment for uterine fibroids will go waste unless you make diet and lifestyle changes. These changes must be permanent if you want to avoid the recurrence of fibroid tumors.

Permanent Solution to Fibroid

This Super-Simple 3-Step Protocol Eliminated My Uterine Fibroids In Just 21 Days  

If you’re trying to cure your PCOS or battling any type of uterine fibroids, you MUST check this out.

Medical researcher, alternative health and nutrition specialist, health consultant, and Former Uterine Fibroids Sufferer teaches you how to:

  • Eliminate Your Uterine Fibroids Naturally In As Little As 21 Days and Prevent Their Recurrence
  • Tackle Pelvic Pressure and Pain, Bloating, and Discomfort in Less Than 12 Hours
  • Boost Your Fertility and Gain Regular Periods (No More Spotting or Unexpected periods)
  • Stop Bladder Pressure
  • Treat Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia) or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)
  • Treat Pain During Intercourse (Dyspareunia).
  • Improve the Quality of Your Life Dramatically!

Discover how she overcame her own Uterine Fibroids and taught thousands of women worldwide to treat all their Uterine Fibroids and all related issues quickly, safely, and naturally.

  • Even If You Have Very Large Uterine Fibroids
  • Even If You Have Endometriosis
  • Even If You Are Menopausal
  • Without Resorting To Drugs or Surgical Procedures
  • Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Here is a short video that explains it better than I can.    

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Should the Absence of Any Uterine Fibroid Symptoms Alarm You?

Fibroids tumors natural treatment is increasingly becoming the preferred method of uterine fibroid treatment these days. Also referred to as myomas, leiomyomas, or fibromyomas, these tumors are not malignant. They normally occur during the childbearing age of women. Contrary to popular opinion fibroids by itself does not increase the chances of cancer in women.

In the majority of women, uterine fibroid symptoms are usually not prominent in the initial stages. The common symptoms of uterine fibroids are heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain or pressure, constipation, bleeding in between periods or lengthened periods, urge to urinate frequently, pain in legs particularly calf muscles, and backache.

The exact cause of fibroids is yet to be identified. However, research has indicated some links between fibroids and genetic alterations, obesity, and the imbalance of hormones estrogen and progesterone in the body.

Fibroids normally do not interfere with the woman getting pregnant. Fibroids tumors normally shrink post-menopause due to a reduction in the levels of reproductive hormones in the body.

In case you fall in the category of women who do not feel any uterine fibroid symptoms, it is best to leave it untreated in the initial stages. 

However, keep a close watch to identify even the slightest of symptoms as soon as it shows up. Consult a doctor immediately upon the first signs of any uterine fibroids symptom or in case of unexplained pain of any sort.

During the close watch period, in my opinion, you can start home remedies for uterine fibroid treatment. Simple dietary changes like reduced intake of fatty foods particularly red meat and beef will go a long way in keeping your fibroids under control. Meat is said to have the same effects as estrogen in boosting the growth of fibroids.

Include a lot of fresh organically grown fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Soya products too are believed to help in regulating the hormonal balance in the body. Research suggests that soy proteins have the capacity to compete and prevent estrogen from boosting the growth of fibroid tumors. Herbs like dandelion, milk thistle seeds, and yellow dock root are also effective in fibroid prevention and cure.

Always remember to consult a qualified doctor before going in for any kind of uterine fibroid treatment. No doubt fibroids tumors natural treatment is one of the best options available to cure fibroids. 

However, to be successful it is necessary that you find a qualified practitioner to guide you with your uterine fibroid treatment.

This Super-Simple 3-Step Protocol Eliminated My Uterine Fibroids In Just 21 Days  

If you’re trying to cure your PCOS or battling any type of uterine fibroids, you MUST check this out.

Medical researcher, alternative health and nutrition specialist, health consultant, and Former Uterine Fibroids Sufferer teaches you how to:

  • Eliminate Your Uterine Fibroids Naturally In As Little As 21 Days and Prevent Their Recurrence
  • Tackle Pelvic Pressure and Pain, Bloating, and Discomfort in Less Than 12 Hours
  • Boost Your Fertility and Gain Regular Periods (No More Spotting or Unexpected periods)
  • Stop Bladder Pressure
  • Treat Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia) or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)
  • Treat Pain During Intercourse (Dyspareunia).
  • Improve the Quality of Your Life Dramatically!

Discover how she overcame her own Uterine Fibroids and taught thousands of women worldwide to treat all their Uterine Fibroids and all related issues quickly, safely, and naturally.

  • Even If You Have Very Large Uterine Fibroids
  • Even If You Have Endometriosis
  • Even If You Are Menopausal
  • Without Resorting To Drugs or Surgical Procedures
  • Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Here is a short video that explains it better than I can.