Wednesday, December 28, 2022

6 Aspects to Note During Uterine Fibroid Treatment

Roughly 25% of women over the age of 35 have fibroids. Research has indicated that these tumors for reasons unknown are three times more likely to affect African-American women than white women. Fibroids are often hereditary too.

What makes treatment for uterine fibroids difficult is the fact that its cause is still a mystery. There is no single cause which can be pinpointed. It can happen due to various reasons which may not be the same for all women.

The second aspect which makes treatment for uterine fibroids difficult is the fact that in most cases, fibroids produce no symptoms. You will be surprised to know that many women remain unaware of its existence till it is detected during the routine gynecological exams they undergo.

The size of these tumors ranges from the size of a pea to that of an orange. Often the growths cause the uterus to enlarge, as it does during pregnancy.

Among women who experience problems with their fibroids, the most common complaint is unusually heavy menstrual flow. Scientists suspect that the growths interfere with the contraction of the uterine muscles, which helps to regulate menstrual bleeding. If bleeding remains heavy for a long, it can drain the body’s iron supply, setting the stage for iron deficiency anemia.

If you have fibroids, what you need to adopt is a multi-faceted approach to treatment for uterine fibroids. I have summarized a few key aspects based on my own personal experience which I am going to share with you:

1. Eating habits

While undergoing treatment for uterine fibroids, make sure that you consume low-fat plant-derived foods which can help reduce your estrogen levels. The fiber in whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables binds with estrogen in your digestive tract, speeding its elimination from your body.

On the other hand, if you eat a high-fat diet, consisting of meat and whole-milk dairy products, estrogen goes back into the bloodstream, where it can spur the growth of fibroids.

2. Include beans

Many kinds of legumes act as fibroid fighters. Legumes rich in phytoestrogens include Pinto beans kidney beans, black beans, mung beans, lima beans, fava beans, and split peas. Make sure that you include at least one of these in your daily diet.

3. Sprouts

Bean sprouts are also good sources of phytoestrogens. It would be worthwhile to add generous amounts of sprouts to salads and other dishes.

4. Fish

Fish oil in cold-water species such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel has anti-inflammatory properties, which are said to help relieve fibroid symptoms.

5. Exercise

Regular, moderate exercise for 30 minutes each day is a very useful health rule to follow. It is especially beneficial for women with fibroids since exercise reduces estrogen levels, which may help shrink fibroids.

Secondly, it stimulates the release of pain-relieving, mood-elevating compounds in the body called endorphins. Thirdly it helps in keeping a check on your body weight.

6. Visualization

Irrespective of the type of uterine fibroid treatment you choose try to imagine and visualize yourself being fibroid free. Light meditation followed by this visualization will help you get rid of anxiety which tends to disrupt the hormonal balance in the body. Trust me this mental exercise is very useful while undergoing treatment for uterine fibroids.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

This Super-Simple 3-Step Protocol Eliminated My Uterine Fibroids In Just 21 Days  

If you’re trying to cure your PCOS or battling any type of uterine fibroids, you MUST check this out.

Medical researcher, alternative health and nutrition specialist, health consultant, and Former Uterine Fibroids Sufferer teaches you how to:

  • Eliminate Your Uterine Fibroids Naturally In As Little As 21 Days and Prevent Their Recurrence
  • Tackle Pelvic Pressure and Pain, Bloating, and Discomfort in Less Than 12 Hours
  • Boost Your Fertility and Gain Regular Periods (No More Spotting or Unexpected periods)
  • Stop Bladder Pressure
  • Treat Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia) or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)
  • Treat Pain During Intercourse (Dyspareunia).
  • Improve the Quality of Your Life Dramatically!

Discover how she overcame her own Uterine Fibroids and taught thousands of women worldwide to treat all their Uterine Fibroids and all related issues quickly, safely, and naturally.

  • Even If You Have Very Large Uterine Fibroids
  • Even If You Have Endometriosis
  • Even If You Are Menopausal
  • Without Resorting To Drugs or Surgical Procedures
  • Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Here is a short video that explains it better than I can.

Treating Fibroids — Juicing to Longevity

Coping with fibroids and changing the way you eat isn’t going to be an easy journey — having to change the way you eat — eliminating certain foods from your diet and transforming your eating habits completely will take time.

If need be, take your time, and do the transformation from bad foods to good foods slowly if you have to — because I don’t want you to miss this opportunity and continue eating your normal foods.

Try and make the change if you can because if you don’t take a stand to change the way you eat, your fibroids may get worse and in the long run you may have to undergo a hysterectomy operation — so let's work together.

Remember to tell yourself that you want your fibroids to shrink and as long as you have the willpower and the determination to stick to your decision, it can work for you. As I mentioned above it's not going to be easy for all of us — it's going to be tough going but get yourself into the situation and focus on where you are going and everything will work out well for you.

As well as changing the way we eat, we have to also think about what we drink. Are you a fizzy drink lover? Do you love that great cup of tea or coffee, both of which are full of caffeine? What about milk — do you drink a lot of cow's milk? Do you drink a lot of sugared or diluted drinks? I bet it's because they all taste good or quench your thirst or even better still, milk gives you all the calcium that you need — NO!!!

The above drinks are the target/reasons for so many illnesses and of course, the manufacturers are not going to tell you are they? No, they are not, it's because they want to make a massive profit and they are not interested in your welfare or health only their pockets.

So it's down to you to look after yourself and you can do this by taking note of what you are eating and the ingredients that each drink or product contains.

Juicing is a fantastic way to incorporate your body with fantastic properties in terms of vitamins, minerals, and proteins to name but a few. There are different juices that you can consume and each one has a vast amount of enzymes which your body craves enzymes can only be found in raw foods or lightly cooked foods.

Juicing all your vegetables in a juicer and drinking on a daily basis adds so much goodness to your internal body system and strengthens and cleanses your body, and rejuvenates other parts of your body that certain foods have not reached yet!

Juicing also improves your eyesight, finds that missing energy which you thought had vanished years ago, improves your skin and strengthens your nails, improves the brain (yes it sure does!), and above all cleanses and repairs your internal organs and makes you into a healthier and much stronger you!

You will certainly live longer because what you are incorporating into your body system, will encourage your body to live longer as the treatment it is receiving is the treatment it deserves.

It no longer is being treated harshly with certain foods which it finds difficult to digest. It no longer has to store indigestible foods in the intestines which after years of gunging up in the intestines, turn to toxins and poison the body thus causing so many illnesses.

Juicing is your way of revitalizing the body, giving the body back plenty of goodness and vitality, and giving the body's organs the opportunity to remain healthier and stronger for a longer period of time.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

This Super-Simple 3-Step Protocol Eliminated My Uterine Fibroids In Just 21 Days  

If you’re trying to cure your PCOS or battling any type of uterine fibroids, you MUST check this out.

Medical researcher, alternative health and nutrition specialist, health consultant, and Former Uterine Fibroids Sufferer teaches you how to:

  • Eliminate Your Uterine Fibroids Naturally In As Little As 21 Days and Prevent Their Recurrence
  • Tackle Pelvic Pressure and Pain, Bloating, and Discomfort in Less Than 12 Hours
  • Boost Your Fertility and Gain Regular Periods (No More Spotting or Unexpected periods)
  • Stop Bladder Pressure
  • Treat Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia) or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)
  • Treat Pain During Intercourse (Dyspareunia).
  • Improve the Quality of Your Life Dramatically!

Discover how she overcame her own Uterine Fibroids and taught thousands of women worldwide to treat all their Uterine Fibroids and all related issues quickly, safely, and naturally.

  • Even If You Have Very Large Uterine Fibroids
  • Even If You Have Endometriosis
  • Even If You Are Menopausal
  • Without Resorting To Drugs or Surgical Procedures
  • Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Here is a short video that explains it better than I can. 

Tomatoes and Lycopene may Help Reduce Fibroids

Many women ask if there is a specific diet for uterine fibroids. The truth is that fibroids are such a complex condition that there is no single measure which will bring about significant shrinkage. 

However, modifying your diet is probably one of the most significant isolated steps you can take for long-term symptomatic relief.

The best approach is to see dietary modifications as part of an overall system to help with your fibroids. This should also include lifestyle changes, cleansing protocols, detoxification, stress management, and a simple exercise regime. When used correctly, these steps can effectively make the body a neutralized environment in which fibroids cannot thrive.

There are some great foods you could include in a diet for uterine fibroids. For example, certain foods have excellent hormone-rebalancing properties and are good for cleansing. Fruits are a good example-full of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Some fruits are anti-inflammatory by nature and others can help to control our blood sugar levels.

Vegetables which you can freshly sprout, such as lentils, buckwheat, and alfalfa are an extremely concentrated form of healthy food for women with fibroids.

Also, fresh, dark green vegetables such as kale and cabbage are known to be good for fibroid elimination, with one Italian survey indicating a reduced incidence of fibroids in women who ate them. Other foods to include in a diet for uterine fibroids include non-starchy vegetables, whole grains, nuts, garlic, beans, and whole rice.

Tomatoes and Lycopene may Help Reduce Fibroids

A number of natural strategies have shown promise such as optimizing vitamin D levels, attending to estrogen metabolism, and using green tea extracts; two Turkish studies have demonstrated that regular consumption of tomatoes and/or supplements of lycopene — the main antioxidant in tomatoes — may also help to deter uterine fibroids.

These studies were performed on Japanese Quail — which are extremely prone to fibroids making them a good animal model for testing promising fibroid treatments. The first Turkish study (1) followed one hundred and twenty quails who received two different doses of lycopene or no lycopene daily.

Quails which consumed lycopene daily had higher blood levels of vitamins A, C, and E, along with lesser numbers of smaller-sized fibroids. Lycopene also reduced markers of oxidative stress and homocysteine and the researchers concluded that:

“…dietary supplementation with lycopene reduces the incidence and size of spontaneously occurring leiomyoma of the oviduct in the Japanese quail.”

“Clinical trials should be conducted to investigate the efficacy of lycopene supplementation in the prevention and treatment of uterine leiomyoma in humans.”

A second similar Turkish study (2) investigated the effects of tomato powder on the development of fibroids also in Japanese Quail over a one-year period. This study discovered that:

“Tomato powder supplementation significantly decreased the number of leiomyomas…”

Fibroids in the tomato-eating group were smaller in size and tomato-eating was also associated with higher blood levels of various antioxidants such as lycopene, lutein, zeaxantin, and vitamins A, C, and E. Concurrently, levels of MDA which is a marker of oxidative stress were significantly decreased, the researchers concluded that:

“…dietary supplementation with tomato powder reduces the incidence and size of spontaneously occurring leiomyoma…”

“Clinical trials should be conducted to investigate the efficacy of tomato powder supplementation in the prevention and treatment of uterine leiomyoma in humans.”

If you have uterine fibroids, or have had a fibroid removed it is possible that consuming tomatoes daily or taking a supplement of lycopene may help to keep you fibroid-free or minimize fibroid growth while trying to conceive.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

This Super-Simple 3-Step Protocol Eliminated My Uterine Fibroids In Just 21 Days  

If you’re trying to cure your PCOS or battling any type of uterine fibroids, you MUST check this out.

Medical researcher, alternative health and nutrition specialist, health consultant, and Former Uterine Fibroids Sufferer teaches you how to:

  • Eliminate Your Uterine Fibroids Naturally In As Little As 21 Days and Prevent Their Recurrence
  • Tackle Pelvic Pressure and Pain, Bloating, and Discomfort in Less Than 12 Hours
  • Boost Your Fertility and Gain Regular Periods (No More Spotting or Unexpected periods)
  • Stop Bladder Pressure
  • Treat Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia) or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)
  • Treat Pain During Intercourse (Dyspareunia).
  • Improve the Quality of Your Life Dramatically!

Discover how she overcame her own Uterine Fibroids and taught thousands of women worldwide to treat all their Uterine Fibroids and all related issues quickly, safely, and naturally.

  • Even If You Have Very Large Uterine Fibroids
  • Even If You Have Endometriosis
  • Even If You Are Menopausal
  • Without Resorting To Drugs or Surgical Procedures
  • Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Here is a short video that explains it better than I can.   

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Will You Be Able to Become Pregnant With Uterine Fibroids?

Uterine fibroids and pregnancy are two very closely related issues. If you have been struggling to conceive, and can’t think of a reason why read on. Uterine fibroids are small, symptomless, benign tumors that almost all women develop at some point in their life without even realizing it, which can block the fallopian tubes and make conception impossible.

Science has so far been unable to find the reason why uterine fibroids develop, but it seems to be very closely connected to the hormone estrogen, especially when it is found to be excessive. This has been proven by the rates of uterine fibroids decreasing in women after menopause — when estrogen ceases to be produced by the body.

There are several factors that make it more likely that you may suffer from uterine fibroids. For example, black women are more likely to suffer from them than white women. They are also more likely to have a more severe case with more symptoms than white women.

The reason for this is unknown, but likely to be genetic. It follows from this that if you have a family history of fibroids, you are more likely to get them. 

You are also more likely to get them if you had a relatively early first period, and if you haven’t had any pregnancies. Just as the birth control pill is said to reduce the chances of certain female reproductive cancers, it also reduces the appearance of uterine fibroids.

Most of the time, women don’t experience any symptoms from their uterine fibroids at all, thus explaining why they can be the cause of infertility in a seemingly healthy woman.

However, if they do begin to cause symptoms, you may experience the following; a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, very long periods, pain in the abdomen, constipation, and bleeding between periods. This would only be if you had developed quite a few fibroids or if they had grown to a size that was causing a quite significant disruption.

It is important to note, however, that all of these symptoms can also be caused by any type of growth in the uterus including functional and dermoid cysts.

These conditions can also cause infertility by blocking or distorting the internal reproductive organs. In the worst-case scenario, you may have to resort to surgery to have both fibroids and cervical cysts removed.

A gynecologist would only want to resort to this option after the growths had been assessed for several months, however. It is not uncommon for them to shrink of their own accord. Surgery can often involve having to remove either part of the ovary, a whole ovary, or unfortunately either both ovaries or the whole reproductive system, so it’s understandable that this is the last option considered.

Encouragingly, however, diet and lifestyle changes have been shown to make a great difference in the development and size of uterine fibroids. If you have a family history of fibroids but haven’t yet developed them, it is well worth your while to make sure you follow a healthy diet and lifestyle in order to minimize your risk.

The reason for this is that various food substances and your weight can greatly affect your hormones. Women who are overweight are many times more likely to develop uterine fibroids and polycystic ovary syndrome. 

Although the exact mechanism for this is unknown, it is likely to be related to the fact that estrogen is stored in body fat.

Carrying an excess of body fat, therefore, allows an excess of estrogen to build up and cause various associated problems. It is well worth researching uterine fibroids and pregnancy in order to gain a full overview of the issues involved.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

This Super-Simple 3-Step Protocol Eliminated My Uterine Fibroids In Just 21 Days  

If you’re trying to cure your PCOS or battling any type of uterine fibroids, you MUST check this out.

Medical researcher, alternative health and nutrition specialist, health consultant, and Former Uterine Fibroids Sufferer teaches you how to:

  • Eliminate Your Uterine Fibroids Naturally In As Little As 21 Days and Prevent Their Recurrence
  • Tackle Pelvic Pressure and Pain, Bloating, and Discomfort in Less Than 12 Hours
  • Boost Your Fertility and Gain Regular Periods (No More Spotting or Unexpected periods)
  • Stop Bladder Pressure
  • Treat Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia) or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)
  • Treat Pain During Intercourse (Dyspareunia).
  • Improve the Quality of Your Life Dramatically!

Discover how she overcame her own Uterine Fibroids and taught thousands of women worldwide to treat all their Uterine Fibroids and all related issues quickly, safely, and naturally.

  • Even If You Have Very Large Uterine Fibroids
  • Even If You Have Endometriosis
  • Even If You Are Menopausal
  • Without Resorting To Drugs or Surgical Procedures
  • Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Here is a short video that explains it better than I can.    

Uterine Fibroids and Heavy Periods

Uterine fibroids and heavy periods often go hand in hand as this condition causes havoc with your normal monthly cycles.

Very often, the bleeding is not only heavy but may last for longer than a normal period (more than 8 days) or might happen in between cycles.

Not only is the bleeding inconvenient. Heavy periods caused by uterine fibroids can be very painful and if left unchecked, can leave a woman dangerously anemic.

There are a number of simple steps you can take to help alleviate both the pain and the volume of blood lost.

  • Anti-inflammatories are helpful to some women (such as Ibruprofen)
  • Lie down with your legs elevated
  • Try using heat therapy-either a heating pad/hot water bottle or a warm bath. Any of these will help with pain relief and improve the blood flow around the pelvic region
  • Do not use tampons as these can cause further cramping
  • Gentle exercise will help relieve cramps and improve the blood flow
  • Nutritional supplements such as Vitamins A, C & E together with Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 will help.

Your uterine fibroids and heavy periods may well have left you anemic. If this is the case, you should take an iron supplement to replenish the lost red blood cells. Iron-rich foods such as lean organic red meat, leafy green vegetables, cereals, and bread fortified with iron are all good natural sources.

As your fibroids enlarge, you will probably find that your symptoms worsen. Rather than leaving matters unchecked, you have nothing to lose by trying out a natural treatment to reduce the size of your fibroids.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

This Super-Simple 3-Step Protocol Eliminated My Uterine Fibroids In Just 21 Days  

If you’re trying to cure your PCOS or battling any type of uterine fibroids, you MUST check this out.

Medical researcher, alternative health and nutrition specialist, health consultant, and Former Uterine Fibroids Sufferer teaches you how to:

  • Eliminate Your Uterine Fibroids Naturally In As Little As 21 Days and Prevent Their Recurrence
  • Tackle Pelvic Pressure and Pain, Bloating, and Discomfort in Less Than 12 Hours
  • Boost Your Fertility and Gain Regular Periods (No More Spotting or Unexpected periods)
  • Stop Bladder Pressure
  • Treat Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia) or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)
  • Treat Pain During Intercourse (Dyspareunia).
  • Improve the Quality of Your Life Dramatically!

Discover how she overcame her own Uterine Fibroids and taught thousands of women worldwide to treat all their Uterine Fibroids and all related issues quickly, safely, and naturally.

  • Even If You Have Very Large Uterine Fibroids
  • Even If You Have Endometriosis
  • Even If You Are Menopausal
  • Without Resorting To Drugs or Surgical Procedures
  • Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Here is a short video that explains it better than I can. 

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Treating Uterine Fibroids — Changing the Way You Eat and Incorporate Raw Foods

Fibroids are tumors which most women have but only certain women suffer severely from them. Fibroids are noncancerous tumors which can grow from a size of a pea to a size of a melon. Fibroids can cause so many different symptoms but once you break it down, a lot of the symptoms derive from the foods you eat.

Are you aware that red meat is not a favorite for our internal body temple? Are you aware of the problems we are faced when we eat too much red meat? 

Are you aware that red meat is difficult to digest in our intestines and that it takes so much longer to digest than any other food? I am sure you were not aware of what problems red meat causes.

It’s a known fact that red meat has a lot of protein which our body needs to survive but think about it, it is not only red meat that can offer us the protein that our body requires.

There are other types of food products that contain just as much protein if not more and they are fish and chicken (which should be organic) as well as sunflower, pumpkin, and almond seeds to name but a few.

These foods are easy to digest and therefore not clog up the intestines — easier to pass through your digestive system at the same time the intake of enzymes which our body lacks when we cook foods are replaced when we eat raw foods.

Raw foods consist of all fruit and vegetables and also foods which are only cooked slightly and not cooked over a certain temperature. Raw foods are much better for us as human beings and all the nutrients, minerals, and vitality that our body needs are found in raw foods.

Living foods consist of sprouting seeds and beans and are known as superfoods and these foods offer access to the world of essential nutrition which our body always strives for and needs.

E.g. sprouts are germinated seeds and pulses, baby plants which are full of all the concentrated nutrition necessary to produce a wholly grown plant. Sprouts are a source of power full of nutrients, which are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, anti-aging ingredients, and enzymes.

Examples of living foods are aduki beans, alfalfa seeds, broccoli seeds, buckwheat, and lentils to name but a few. So at least you know what living foods are.

Do you eat living foods on a daily basis? If not, it would be a good idea to start. The wonderful properties that sprouting seeds offer are amazing and through trials, it has shown that sprouts can have a serious role to play in fighting chronic illnesses such as cancer.

There is so much to learn about our bodies. Most of us are only interested in our external body parts and not the internal ones. It’s the internal body temple which needs to be looked after before we look after our external body because without all our internal organs operating perfectly, we cannot survive. 

Think about what you eat and make a stand to make a change and eat healthily. Knowledge and getting to know your body is powerful.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

This Super-Simple 3-Step Protocol Eliminated My Uterine Fibroids In Just 21 Days  

If you’re trying to cure your PCOS or battling any type of uterine fibroids, you MUST check this out.

Medical researcher, alternative health and nutrition specialist, health consultant, and Former Uterine Fibroids Sufferer teaches you how to:

  • Eliminate Your Uterine Fibroids Naturally In As Little As 21 Days and Prevent Their Recurrence
  • Tackle Pelvic Pressure and Pain, Bloating, and Discomfort in Less Than 12 Hours
  • Boost Your Fertility and Gain Regular Periods (No More Spotting or Unexpected periods)
  • Stop Bladder Pressure
  • Treat Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia) or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)
  • Treat Pain During Intercourse (Dyspareunia).
  • Improve the Quality of Your Life Dramatically!

Discover how she overcame her own Uterine Fibroids and taught thousands of women worldwide to treat all their Uterine Fibroids and all related issues quickly, safely, and naturally.

  • Even If You Have Very Large Uterine Fibroids
  • Even If You Have Endometriosis
  • Even If You Are Menopausal
  • Without Resorting To Drugs or Surgical Procedures
  • Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Here is a short video that explains it better than I can. 

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Aromatherapy For Uterine Fibroids Treatment

Uterine fibroids treatment essentially depends upon the size of your fibroid tumors and the number. In case your tumors are large in size and big in number your fibroid's symptoms will be severe.

The pain and bleeding caused due to fibroids can often become unbearable in such cases. However, in the case of small tumors that are fewer in number natural fibroids treatment would be worth a try.

Natural fibroids treatment methods concentrate on a number of aspects like dietary changes, liver detoxification, herbal medicines, meditation, and aromatherapy.

In this article, I am going to share information on how aromatherapy can help in uterine fibroids treatment.

Essential oils help in increasing blood circulation to the pelvic organs. It relaxes the tense uterine muscles, eases cramps, and encourages a state of total relaxation that is essential for healing. You can make use of the following essential oils in sitz baths, massage oils, and abdominal compresses.

Ginger is a potent circulatory stimulant with warming properties. In addition, it improves the functioning of the liver. With a mildly spicy scent, it is great to relax the body in general.

Marjoram has potent sedative properties. This too helps in relaxing tense muscles and eases uterine cramps. Marjoram has a spicy, herbaceous, sweet fragrance.

Rose oil is very gentle and pleasant with mild hormone-balancing properties. It is therefore considered to be a tonic for the uterus.

Aromatherapy is very useful in assisting and supporting reproductive organs. It basically helps to rebalance the hormones in our system in a gentle manner.

Aromatherapy is popularly used by herbalists in uterine fibroids treatment. It is one of the components of herbal treatment which is normally combined with a number of other measures like dietary changes, physical exercise, and herbal medicines for total fibroid cure. If you are really looking to treat fibroids naturally, it would be worthwhile to consult a qualified herbalist.

While making use of aromatherapy for fibroid cure it is advisable to adopt the following measures which will reduce your exposure to bad estrogen-mimicking substances in everyday life:

Practice yoga and meditation to reduce your stress levels, and remain calm and tension free.

Avoid taking birth control pills and switch over to other forms of contraception after consulting your doctor.

Do not make use of cosmetics that contain paraben, methyl, ethyl, propyl, and butyl.

Completely cut down your meat intake, particularly red meat.

Do you want to get rid of Uterine Fibroids permanently? There is a proven fibroids treatment that will produce results in the next few weeks. This may seem impossible, but is 100% true.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

This Super-Simple 3-Step Protocol Eliminated My Uterine Fibroids In Just 21 Days  

If you’re trying to cure your PCOS or battling any type of uterine fibroids, you MUST check this out.

Medical researcher, alternative health and nutrition specialist, health consultant, and Former Uterine Fibroids Sufferer teaches you how to:

  • Eliminate Your Uterine Fibroids Naturally In As Little As 21 Days and Prevent Their Recurrence
  • Tackle Pelvic Pressure and Pain, Bloating, and Discomfort in Less Than 12 Hours
  • Boost Your Fertility and Gain Regular Periods (No More Spotting or Unexpected periods)
  • Stop Bladder Pressure
  • Treat Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia) or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)
  • Treat Pain During Intercourse (Dyspareunia).
  • Improve the Quality of Your Life Dramatically!

Discover how she overcame her own Uterine Fibroids and taught thousands of women worldwide to treat all their Uterine Fibroids and all related issues quickly, safely, and naturally.

  • Even If You Have Very Large Uterine Fibroids
  • Even If You Have Endometriosis
  • Even If You Are Menopausal
  • Without Resorting To Drugs or Surgical Procedures
  • Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Here is a short video that explains it better than I can. 

Superfoods That Can Help Stop Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Due To Fibroids

While some women with fibroids do not experience any symptoms related to fibroids, other women, may not be so lucky and will have to suffer from the various symptoms of uterine fibroids. One of the common symptoms is heavy bleeding.

While this may represent heavy menstrual bleeding, it can also include spotting between periods as well as prolonged periods. There are many natural remedies for heavy bleeding and with that in mind, here are some superfoods to help stop heavy bleeding due to fibroids.

What is heavy bleeding?

Heavy bleeding will vary from one woman to another. What one woman considers heavy may be considered normal by another woman. Only you will be able to tell if your cycle is heavier than normal.

Chronic heavy menstrual bleeding can cause many health issues and the worst of all is becoming anemic which can cause you to feel tired, dizzy, etc. Life is in the blood and it is important not to lose too much blood during each menstrual cycle.

Heavy bleeding is caused by many factors such as fibroids, endometriosis, etc. Ideally, if fibroids are the source, you should do everything to eliminate fibroids first which should hopefully eliminate this issue. There are various ways to eliminate fibroids such as using various natural methods as well as many surgical procedures.

If you opt for surgery, do be aware that while surgery can work to remove the fibroids and thereby stop heavy bleeding, some women who have fibroid tumors removed surgically report no reduction in the heavy menstrual bleeding.

Start with natural remedies first to see whether they give you the relief you seek. If these do not work, then opt for surgery or other conventional methods for getting rid of uterine fibroids and the various symptoms including heavy bleeding.

Superfoods to stop heavy menstrual bleeding

The first step when fighting fibroids as well as various symptoms including heavy bleeding is looking at your diet and noting if there are any changes you can make such as eliminating dairy, red meats, and so on. There are also various foods that can help to fight heavy menstrual bleeding and normalize your menstrual cycle such as;

1. Bananas

Bananas are the perfect food as they are jam-packed with various vitamins and minerals such as potassium, zinc, iron, folic acid, calcium, vitamin B6 as well as soluble fiber.

This makes them excellent for digestion, and menstrual difficulties as well as essential for athletes because the nutrients in bananas are able to quickly replace what your body loses during your menstrual cycle or when you are exercising frequently.

In addition, if diarrhea is one of the symptoms during your monthly cycle, bananas are an ideal treatment when you eat them in conjunction with rice, apples as well as dry toast — which is more commonly known as the BRAT treatment.

2. Bee pollen

Bee pollen which has been made very popular by many famous athletes who usually take it regularly for strength and endurance is another great natural remedy for heavy bleeding.

Bee pollen has been used successfully to treat a variety of ailments including allergies, asthma, menstrual irregularities, constipation, diarrhea, anemia, low energy, cancer, rheumatism, arthritis, and toxic conditions.

Do be aware that bee pollen can cause allergic reactions in those who are taking it for the first time, so it is important to start with small amounts and gradually build up to a teaspoon or so per day.

Bee pollen is available in powder form, capsule form, or tablet form and is also available in raw unprocessed honey that you can mix with cereal or spread on toast for a tasty snack.

3. Iron-rich foods

One of the complications of heavy menstrual bleeding is anemia as mentioned above. Anemia is caused by iron deficiency due to heavy blood loss because iron is a major component of red blood cells. Iron deficiency causes fatigue and low energy levels and can be fatal if severe.

To counteract iron loss, there are various iron-rich foods you should consume such as dark green leafy vegetables, beans, peas, liver, soy foods, blackstrap molasses, certain fruits, etc, that are great choices.

To ensure optimal absorption of the iron contained in these various foods, try consuming them with various citrus foods as these contain vitamin C which helps promote optimal iron absorption.

Try to stay away from alcohol, caffeinated beverages, or salty foods, and as always, make sure that you choose unsaturated fats (healthy fats such as olive oil, flaxseed oil, etc). Unhealthy fats will only exacerbate the bloating, cramps, and other symptoms that you may experience during that time of the month.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

This Super-Simple 3-Step Protocol Eliminated My Uterine Fibroids In Just 21 Days  

If you’re trying to cure your PCOS or battling any type of uterine fibroids, you MUST check this out.

Medical researcher, alternative health and nutrition specialist, health consultant, and Former Uterine Fibroids Sufferer teaches you how to:

  • Eliminate Your Uterine Fibroids Naturally In As Little As 21 Days and Prevent Their Recurrence
  • Tackle Pelvic Pressure and Pain, Bloating, and Discomfort in Less Than 12 Hours
  • Boost Your Fertility and Gain Regular Periods (No More Spotting or Unexpected periods)
  • Stop Bladder Pressure
  • Treat Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia) or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)
  • Treat Pain During Intercourse (Dyspareunia).
  • Improve the Quality of Your Life Dramatically!

Discover how she overcame her own Uterine Fibroids and taught thousands of women worldwide to treat all their Uterine Fibroids and all related issues quickly, safely, and naturally.

  • Even If You Have Very Large Uterine Fibroids
  • Even If You Have Endometriosis
  • Even If You Are Menopausal
  • Without Resorting To Drugs or Surgical Procedures
  • Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Here is a short video that explains it better than I can. 

Conceiving Tips For Women With Uterine Fibroids

Of all the conceiving tips you have read about, make sure you don’t ignore the one that says, “Get tested for fertility problems.” Many women who have difficulty conceiving may have undetected uterine fibroids — non-cancerous tumors that grow in the uterus. Uterine fibroids are a fairly common condition, especially in women older than 40.

Although most of them never grow larger than a walnut, a woman might grow fibroids so large that they weigh several pounds. Uterine fibroids can affect your fertility because they can serve as a physical barrier from the sperm to the egg.

Uterine fibroids may also increase the likelihood of miscarriage. Fortunately, uterine fibroids can often be treated with both Western and Eastern medicine and with the help of natural remedies. Here are five tips about complementary treatments for fibroids.

Tip 1: Acupuncture to Improve Fertility Chi

Uterine fibroids are typically caused by an overabundance of estrogen and xenoestrogens (foreign estrogens). According to traditional Chinese medicine, fibroids are caused by chi stagnation. This means that the life energy or chi that governs the body is unable to fully reach the uterus.

As a consequence of this stagnation, the uterus develops tissue masses. Eastern medical philosophy holds that through the insertion of thin needles, acupuncture can free the trapped chi so it can reach the uterus and shrink the tumors.

Tip 2: Herbs to Balance Hormones

Herbal remedies are another non-invasive way that has been reported to shrink uterine tumors. The following herbs may help women conceive by eliminating or preventing the growth of existing fibroids:

Chasteberry — helps reduce the production of estrogen and inflammation in the uterus

Red raspberry — replenishes the body with lost nutrients during heavy periods and prevents excessive menstruation

Motherwort — balances hormones, relaxes the uterine wall, and reduces menstrual pain

Red clover — aids the liver in excreting excess estrogen while providing iron to prevent anemia

Burdock root — also helps the liver get rid of excess estrogen. Its plant chemicals also diminish tumor growth.

Licorice root — reduces water retention and blood pressure while it helps the liver detoxify

Tip 3: The Wurn Technique to Help You Conceive

Massages are not only relaxing; they have powerful healing properties too. The Wurn technique is a site-specific physical therapy that can help relieve many health conditions, including uterine fibroids.

Using internal massage techniques, the massage therapist massages the surface of the abdomen and manipulates the cervix gently. This massage improves the elasticity of the uterus and makes it more pliant, decreasing painful menstruation caused by fibroids.

According to a study published in Fertility and Sterility, 71% of women who have been infertile for five years were able to conceive after several months of receiving the Wurn Technique. Together with herbs and diet, this approach looks like a promising way to eliminate fibroids and restore your fertility.

Tip 4: Reiki for Energetic Reproductive Healing

Reiki therapy is another relaxing alternative treatment that has been reported to calm the body while shrinking bothersome fibroids. Unlike the Wurn technique, reiki therapy isn’t a massage.

The Reiki therapist uses his or her hands to transfer healing energy to specific sites of your body in order to get rid of the disease. While there are no large-scale studies on Reiki’s effects on uterine fibroids, individual women have been able to get pregnant after several sessions of Reiki despite the presence of these tumors.

Tip 5: Diet for Conception

Don’t neglect your diet! Research from the journal Epidemiology discovered that women who have unhealthy body weight are more likely to develop uterine fibroids.

Maintaining a healthy body weight through diet will not only reduce the likelihood of fibroids; it will boost your overall fertility too! Cut down on saturated fat, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol because they will overwork the liver and make it less effective at detoxifying excess estrogen.

If you already have several fibroids, increase your consumption of iron-rich foods like spinach, kale, and nuts. Excessive menstruation caused by uterine tumors might cause anemia due to an iron deficiency. Other nutrients recommended for women with fibroids are vitamins A, C, and E.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

This Super-Simple 3-Step Protocol Eliminated My Uterine Fibroids In Just 21 Days  

If you’re trying to cure your PCOS or battling any type of uterine fibroids, you MUST check this out.

Medical researcher, alternative health and nutrition specialist, health consultant, and Former Uterine Fibroids Sufferer teaches you how to:

  • Eliminate Your Uterine Fibroids Naturally In As Little As 21 Days and Prevent Their Recurrence
  • Tackle Pelvic Pressure and Pain, Bloating, and Discomfort in Less Than 12 Hours
  • Boost Your Fertility and Gain Regular Periods (No More Spotting or Unexpected periods)
  • Stop Bladder Pressure
  • Treat Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia) or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)
  • Treat Pain During Intercourse (Dyspareunia).
  • Improve the Quality of Your Life Dramatically!

Discover how she overcame her own Uterine Fibroids and taught thousands of women worldwide to treat all their Uterine Fibroids and all related issues quickly, safely, and naturally.

  • Even If You Have Very Large Uterine Fibroids
  • Even If You Have Endometriosis
  • Even If You Are Menopausal
  • Without Resorting To Drugs or Surgical Procedures
  • Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Here is a short video that explains it better than I can.   

To Avoid Uterine Fibroid Surgery, Here Is What I Did

When I was diagnosed with fibroids it was initially three, 2 cm fibroids which my doctors confirmed was an insignificant size. 

However, even fibroids of such small size caused heavy bleeding and conception issues for me since these were located inside my uterus. Uterine fibroid surgery was not essential in my case merely because of the size of the tumors.

Doctors prescribed a wait-and-watch approach. However, they cautioned me that in case my tumors grew in size or number uterine fibroid surgery would become a necessity.

My uterine fibroid symptoms got worse with the passage of time. It was then that I decided to try out alternative treatments for fibroids rather than doing nothing about it.

I was unable to locate a qualified alternative practitioner close to my residence so of which I sought online help. On the internet, I came across a treatment plan devised by a renowned herbalist which has helped thousands of women worldwide to get rid of uterine fibroid symptoms naturally.

Alternative treatment for fibroids lays a lot of emphasis on diet. Fibroids are primarily caused due to excess estrogen in our bodies. Hence food that tends to promote the growth of estrogen in our body must be totally avoided.

An ideal diet to shrink fibroids naturally must consist of whole grains, organically grown vegetables, fruits, seeds, fish, and nuts. At the same time, it is essential for you to stay away from dairy products, beef, pork, chicken, and turkey.

By strictly following this diet rule your body will be in a position to naturally regulate estrogen levels thereby depriving fibroids of the excess estrogen required to boost their growth.

The above diet and certain other lifestyle changes recommended in the online treatment for fibroids plan helped in shrinking the size of my tumors substantially. Uterine fibroid surgery was no longer required in my case which was confirmed by my doctor.

Sticking to a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains helped me keep a close check on my weight too thereby providing a two-for-one benefit.

Do you want to get rid of Uterine Fibroids permanently? There is a proven fibroids treatment that will produce results in the next few weeks. This may seem impossible, but is 100% true.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

This Super-Simple 3-Step Protocol Eliminated My Uterine Fibroids In Just 21 Days  

If you’re trying to cure your PCOS or battling any type of uterine fibroids, you MUST check this out.

Medical researcher, alternative health and nutrition specialist, health consultant, and Former Uterine Fibroids Sufferer teaches you how to:

  • Eliminate Your Uterine Fibroids Naturally In As Little As 21 Days and Prevent Their Recurrence
  • Tackle Pelvic Pressure and Pain, Bloating, and Discomfort in Less Than 12 Hours
  • Boost Your Fertility and Gain Regular Periods (No More Spotting or Unexpected periods)
  • Stop Bladder Pressure
  • Treat Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia) or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)
  • Treat Pain During Intercourse (Dyspareunia).
  • Improve the Quality of Your Life Dramatically!

Discover how she overcame her own Uterine Fibroids and taught thousands of women worldwide to treat all their Uterine Fibroids and all related issues quickly, safely, and naturally.

  • Even If You Have Very Large Uterine Fibroids
  • Even If You Have Endometriosis
  • Even If You Are Menopausal
  • Without Resorting To Drugs or Surgical Procedures
  • Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Here is a short video that explains it better than I can.    

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Intra-Uterine Fibroids — Know The Symptoms, Start Early Treatment, And Avoid Nagging Discomforts

Intra-uterine fibroid(s) is often detected in about 20–40% of women in the 35 to 50 years bracket. As they progress into menopause, the fibroids tend to dry out. Often, there is no pain despite the growth of fibroids in the uterus.

When large in size and/or many in number, these fibroids begin to cause discomfort, gradually leading to intense pain. Intra-uterine fibroids are almost unseen or are “silent players”; it, therefore, becomes difficult to know if certain pains around the abdominal and pelvic regions of the body are caused by these unwanted growths.

Knowing the symptoms associated with such painful conditions will help decide if uterine fibroid growths are causative agents. This, in turn, will enable early treatment. While the growth of uterine fibroids is not cancerous, their presence, nonetheless, can be a source of constant irritation and considerable physical discomfort.

The symptoms become more severe as the fibroids continue to grow in size as well as increase in number. Early diagnosis will enable the sufferer to take steps to stop further growth and, ultimately try and heal herself from the scourge that is intra-uterine fibroids.

Some of the more important symptoms of intrauterine fibroids are:

Abnormal Bleeding:

The presence of fibroids is associated with blockage of normal menstrual activity. The uterus gets clogged. When the clog ‘gives way’, heavy bleeding is noticed. Repetition of such heavy bleeding, especially prolonged bleeding, is a sure sign of the presence of fibroids.

It is not uncommon to experience such bleeding between normal menstrual cycles. The patient should be aware of the possibility of anemia in case of excessive bleeding.

Pain in the Pelvic Region:

The presence of uterine fibroid(s) is recognized by the body to be foreign, unwanted material; naturally, the body tries to eliminate the fibroid growth. This causes pain in the pelvic region. The pain is exacerbated as the fibroid growth build pressure against the wall of the uterus. Also, in severe cases, pain can extend to the legs too!

Frequent Urination:

The pressure exerted by fibroids against the uterus also affects the urinary bladder. As the fibroids grow larger, the patient experiences the urge to urinate frequently. To make matters worse, despite this urge, the flow of urine may slow down as the fibroid problem assumes a serious proportion. This situation can arise when the presence of fibroids is not diagnosed early enough.


Pregnancy is not normally affected by the presence of intrauterine fibroids; however, fertility problem, if any, which is accompanied by other symptoms mentioned in this article should help confirm the presence of fibroids in the uterus.

The above symptoms are often accompanied by emotional problems (stress, mood swings, depression due to hesitation to discuss uterus-related issues, etc) which are primary outcomes of the discomforts and pains. Thus, such emotional changes should not be ignored; look at the changes in light of other symptoms.

Knowing the symptoms elicited above, it will not be difficult to diagnose if a problem is due to the presence of intrauterine fibroids. In such an event, it would be prudent to consult your doctor first.

Next, empower yourself with as much knowledge as possible about your condition and possible treatments. Discuss them with your doctor.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

This Super-Simple 3-Step Protocol Eliminated My Uterine Fibroids In Just 21 Days  

If you’re trying to cure your PCOS or battling any type of uterine fibroids, you MUST check this out.

Medical researcher, alternative health and nutrition specialist, health consultant, and Former Uterine Fibroids Sufferer teaches you how to:

  • Eliminate Your Uterine Fibroids Naturally In As Little As 21 Days and Prevent Their Recurrence
  • Tackle Pelvic Pressure and Pain, Bloating, and Discomfort in Less Than 12 Hours
  • Boost Your Fertility and Gain Regular Periods (No More Spotting or Unexpected periods)
  • Stop Bladder Pressure
  • Treat Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia) or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)
  • Treat Pain During Intercourse (Dyspareunia).
  • Improve the Quality of Your Life Dramatically!

Discover how she overcame her own Uterine Fibroids and taught thousands of women worldwide to treat all their Uterine Fibroids and all related issues quickly, safely, and naturally.

  • Even If You Have Very Large Uterine Fibroids
  • Even If You Have Endometriosis
  • Even If You Are Menopausal
  • Without Resorting To Drugs or Surgical Procedures
  • Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Here is a short video that explains it better than I can.