Sunday, October 30, 2022

How Uterine Fibroids Can Impact Your Sex Life?

One of the most common uterine fibroid symptoms is loss of libido. Fibroids may interfere with a woman’s intimate life and relationship with their partners. At times fibroids which are fairly large in size press down the uterus.

This overtaking of the pelvic cavity causes pain during intercourse. In fibroids of small or moderate size, the physical symptoms by themselves cause a lot of discomfort and uneasiness.

The exact cause of fibroids continues to be a mystery. Scientific studies have indicated that excessive estrogen may be linked to the growth of uterine tumors. Some of the factors which are known to put women at a greater risk of suffering from fibroids include:

Genes: uterine tumors are known to be hereditary. If your mother or sister has got fibroids, chances are that you too may suffer from fibroids.

Obesity: Excess body weight is also a contributing factor to the growth of fibroids.

Infertility: Women who have not given birth to children are at a greater risk of suffering from fibroids.

Hormonal imbalance is the primary reason for the loss of libido in women with fibroids. Imbalance here refers to the imbalance between the female reproductive hormones estrogen and progesterone. Most women suffering from fibroids have excessive estrogen in their system. Estrogen is the key hormone that boosts the growth of uterine fibroids.

Estrogen unless balanced out by progesterone can cause fibroids and loss of libido too. In addition, it can have a number of other adverse side effects like clotting of blood.

Restoring hormonal balance is therefore essential to maintain a healthy sex drive. Treatment for uterine fibroids with the help of natural remedies helps in shrinking the size of fibroids. This type of uterine fibroid treatment normally improves the overall health and well-being of an individual including the libido.

Natural fibroids cure involves a number of aspects. For this type of treatment for fibroids to be successful, you need to adhere to the treatment regimen prescribed wholeheartedly.

The treatment plan will prescribe in detail dietary changes, vitamins, herbal supplements and other traditional Chinese medicines to be taken orally. It will also chart out a detailed physical exercise and massage routine for you.

With this type of treatment for fibroids, normally the tumor does not recur. Natural fibroids cure helps in shrinking the size of fibroids naturally without any side effects. It addresses two of the serious fibroid symptoms- irregular periods and loss of libido.

With the exception of hysterectomy, all other surgical procedures for uterine fibroid treatment often fail. Since natural remedies work to eliminate all uterine fibroid symptoms and the root causes, the chances of fibroids growing back are very remote.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

This Super-Simple 3-Step Protocol Eliminated My Uterine Fibroids In Just 21 Days  

If you’re trying to cure your PCOS or battling any type of uterine fibroids, you MUST check this out.

Medical researcher, alternative health and nutrition specialist, health consultant, and Former Uterine Fibroids Sufferer teaches you how to:

  • Eliminate Your Uterine Fibroids Naturally In As Little As 21 Days and Prevent Their Recurrence
  • Tackle Pelvic Pressure and Pain, Bloating, and Discomfort in Less Than 12 Hours
  • Boost Your Fertility and Gain Regular Periods (No More Spotting or Unexpected periods)
  • Stop Bladder Pressure
  • Treat Heavy Menstrual Flow (Menorrhagia) or Painful Menstrual Flow (Dysmenorrhea)
  • Treat Pain During Intercourse (Dyspareunia).
  • Improve the Quality of Your Life Dramatically!

Discover how she overcame her own Uterine Fibroids and taught thousands of women worldwide to treat all their Uterine Fibroids and all related issues quickly, safely, and naturally.

  • Even If You Have Very Large Uterine Fibroids
  • Even If You Have Endometriosis
  • Even If You Are Menopausal
  • Without Resorting To Drugs or Surgical Procedures
  • Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Here is a short video that explains it better than I can.